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God’s Control

   God wants ALL His created humans to be with Him, but because of sin this will not be possible, only for those who choose to honor Jehovah as our God, and by choosing to cleanse ourselves of our chosen sins, and to purify our heart, then Jehovah will choose those to be sealed, right before Christ's second advent. All things will then be as God had designed them to be before He set all things in motion, then, the reality of being with God Jehovah and His Son will commence for an eternity.

    Sin entered the world when Adam transgressed God's one command in the garden. Since then, Adam, Eve and all their seed, have been under the influence of Satan for the past 6000 years. Satan and his helpers have been at work continually to deteriorate our connection with God and to influence us to act contrary to Jehovah's perfect laws and His just system. Any willing transgression of God's commandments would be a sin and God will not allow sin to contaminate His perfect kingdom environment. That is why the originator of sin, Satan was thrown out of Heaven, along with the angels that accepted his lies. God Jehovah's environment will not be contaminated with sin, or anyone holding onto a sin.

   God's love for us is unconditional and He desires our love in return, so He gave us the right and the ability to choose to love Him, which is also our responsibility to make this choice. Love is only present where a choice to love is made. Do we want to live with God Almighty and His Son in the Kingdom of God, or would we rather choose the alternative (not choosing includes one in the second group)? Since God is our Creator and sustainer, the alternative to the Godly Kingdom He offers is totally void of everything, but He leaves this choice completely up to us. God’s Kingdom is perfect, because God is perfect, but in order for us to exist with Him, we need to be cleansed, by our desire to be cleansed, to achieve a righteous state. We inherited this responsibility of choose since we are the sons and daughters of Adam; his choice to sin was passed down on us, into a sinful environment. Eve was fooled by Satin's lies, but Adam chose to sin, both having eaten from the forbidden tree, and this altered man's nature and our present environment, the earth itself. It is our individual responsibility to repent of our sins, each of us will be the only one to experience the result of our choices, and we need to comprehend that the consequences may be severe, “For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is everlasting life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23). Christ unlocked the door to our salvation by His sacrifice at Calvary and we need only to follow His lead, which can only be done by learning the information and instructions within the pages of the book Christ gave us, all from His Father's words and from our Father, the Bible, and to make its content to exist in our heart and to make His way to be our life's efforts.

    God’s plan to accomplish salvation for us was put into action right after Adam sinned, as we read God’s words spoken to Satan in Geneses 3:15 “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed - He will bruise your head, and you will bruise His heel.” and following that, the Bible’s Old Testament was filled with predictions of when and how the Messiah would arrive for His first advent to establish the church. The sacrificial system was put into place while the Israelites roamed the desert; this system was a clue (a shadow) of the coming Messiah, the "Lamb of God", His purpose was to be the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness for our sins, replacing the sacrificial system of innocent animals, that were allowed as a substitute for man's assessed wage for his sins, then Christ became our perfect substitute at Calvary. All this was part of God’s plan, first, to discard the sacrificial system at Christ's sacrifice, then to discard sin from all existence, shortly after the 1000 year rest period of earth itself, finally creating a new earth to be within Jehovah's kingdom for those raised in the first resurrection at Christ's second advent.

   According to the prophecy given to Daniel in chapter 8:14, Jesus (the Messiah) came on time, died on the cross on time and was resurrected on time, all within the 2300-year prophecy. He walked perfectly in His Father’s Commandments and we are to follow Christ’s perfect example, under His requested strength, along the treacherous path to the narrow door, the entrance to the Kingdom of God.

    Before we can fully understand what this salvation from our sin is, we need to know and understand what sin is. We can read in His Book that sin is the transgression of God’s laws, but God’s chosen people, the Israelites, not only saw the list of sin written on stone tablets, heard Jehovah speak His laws with His voice, but many still transgressed them, even one of them shortly after hearing His frightening voice. The Israelites agreed to keep His commands but they did not hold pure, maybe because they did not yet, fully understand the results of sin, just by reading or by hearing them, so He showed them over and over again what they needed to understand, the full effects of sin, the results of their personal sinning, the consequences of their transgressions against God’s perfect government. In the Old Testament, God sometimes passed judgment immediately to show His people the results of their transgressions, not just as an example for them, but also for all those who followed them, including us; to better understand, and to know the sure consequence of sin. Hearing and seeing the written law wasn’t enough for the Israelites and it also, apparently isn’t enough for us. Haven't we proved this over and over again?

   Since Christ death at Calvary, God, in His mercy has given each of us a lifetime to educate ourselves and make the necessary changes before each individual's time runs out. God is also helping mankind to recognize our transgressions by allowing our sins and our earthly companion's sins to reach their natural results and conclusions; this is for our education and our benefit. The more we read God's instruction Book, the easier we can recognize our own sins. The sins of others are to be viewed by us to better understand its results so we can guard against committing the same acts. In addition to our guilt in committing a sin, the recipient of each sin usually rest on someone else and this also is for us to witness, to feel their pain and learn of their suffering by our sins or others sins. The results of crime and war are allowed by God (including “9/11”), but not always caused by His hands, but allowed, to make us more aware of our desperate situation, departing from God's way and the seriousness of any sinful act. The USA homeland was protected by God for it's first 200 plus years because we were, at first, a nation of and for the rights of godly people, having been established for the purpose of religious freedom. During the later part of the 20th Century the number of people trusting in the God of the Bible dwindled, therefore God’s protection dwindle\d, just as God allow the Israelites to be captured, about a dozen times when they drifted from seeking or trusting in God. Satan is continually leading us to destruction because he knows that death is his sure future and wants to take as many with him as possible, and many are being fooled by his pleasing deceptions, without knowing that their fate lies with Satan and the false prophet's fate.

   God’s control is guiding the world to a certain destination, to a certain outcome, having allowed Satan to reign over this world, but only to a degree and only for a certain amount of time, ultimately, keeping the world on God's own schedule. Jehovah sometimes intervenes to prevent things from going too fast or too slow or if He wants to protect certain people or even eliminate certain ones that will disrupt His schedule. Satan has been succeeding in proving that God’s system is and always will be perfect and just, by us seeing the results of trusting in God and not the deceiver. God allows certain people and the leaders in power to carry out His plan, showing us that sin leads to destruction. It’s stated in the Bible that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so He could show the other nations His might, so they would fear the Israelites when they came to possess the promise land (Rom 9:17 referring to Ex 9:16). He also put Neduchadnezzar in power to rule the known world because He needed to punish His people for their transgressions, plus the other nations, some with captivity and some with destruction because of their disobedience to His perfect guidelines, His commandments, laws and His precepts.

    The Creator of our existence is still totally in control of all things and life remains on His schedule, but He will not let sin continue too much longer. First He wants to seal His chosen saints, chosen because they walked according to His guidelines "Here is the patience of the saints; here are the ones keeping the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." (Revelation 14:12), before He ends this world’s current existence. He desires as many of the inhabitants of this world to choose life. He will send His Sheppard, to bring those that have made their choice to live in His kingdom, those who have prepared themselves, first, to live in New Jerusalem, then later in the New Earth, which Jehovah will remake only better, and without sin.

   In God’s word, Jehovah's predicted occurrences are spelled out in prophecies, and most have already happened but the worst are yet to take place because sin continues, and increases. He also has given reference to His control of things throughout the Bible, by stating this or that will be done “to fulfill prophecy”, so we know that He is in control and we can depend on His account of the things yet to come. It is most important that we know what is to happen so we are ready and not fooled by the deceptions and tricks Satan has planned. Reading the Bible (all of it) is our only lifeline and roadmap to the salvation promised, for those who decide to follow Christ, to the home Jehovah has planned for us. Could there possibly be any solid reason not to choose life eternal? Do you have a solid reason not to read the only instruction manual God has given us? God's word is for wisdom, direction and salvation, which are a gift from Jehovah, our God.

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